How to use the menus:

Our Apple-Q site has Contextual Help built into the menus. The menu open automatically on mouse-over (for non-touch screen users) Clicking on any menu heading or sub-heading will bring up Help. clicking on any other item will take you to that page.

For Macs (and non-touch-screen devices):
Our menus activate on mouse over. – no click required. The menu titles with the down-arrow to the right of their names have sub-elements. To access the items within these menus move your mouse pointer over the menu heading without clicking. Clicking on the menu titles (or Sub-menu Titles) will give you detailed help about each of these items.

For iPads, iPhones (and other touch-screen devices):
The menu titles with the down-arrow to the right of their names have sub-elements. To access the items within these menus you will need to tap once on the down arrow. Tapping on the menu headings (or Sub-menu Titles) once will give you detailed help about each of these items.
The menu titles with the down-arrow to the right of their names have sub-elements. To access the items within these menus you will need to tap once on the down arrow. Tapping on the menu headings (or Sub-menu Titles) once will give you detailed help about each of these items.
Help about each menu:
Details about the contents of each Menu can be displayed by selecting the Menu’s Heading:

Apple-Q Members:

Apple-Q Members may access the Members’ Help Page under the Members Abyss menu.