Apple-Q Services

Apple-Q offers a range of services for members. Non-members can attend one Monthly Meeting at no cost, however, other services are only available to members.

Apple-Q Presentation & Training Network Configuration.

Apple-Q Events:

Monthly Meetings

We run a monthly meeting on the third Sunday of each month (except December). It is a jam-packed day, which will help you to get to know your Apple devices (Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, etc) and useful software. Regular sessions include: a question & answer session, mini training seminars and a demonstration on a different topic each month. We also have a door prize and raffles.
» More Information

Training Seminars

Our training seminars are free to members. They’re a great way to get intensive training on a particular subject. The seminars normally run as two 2 hour sessions. Topics are chosen by members at the Monthly Meeting – one week prior to the seminars and then emailed out to all members.

Training seminars are generally held on the fourth Sunday of each month except December. (Membership is required.) » More Information

On-line Meetings Server

We also have a On-line Meetings Server which we hold meetings on and well as group video, voice, or messaging. Members can even have private (one-on-one) calls or a group my go to a Chat Room. Free for members at any time and for as long of a duration that they wish.

Events Calendar

This section lists upcoming club meetings plus other events of interest to members. View our list of upcoming events.

Apple-Q Magazine Menu:

Apple-Bug Magazine

We publish a monthly magazine (except December) in PDF format. The magazine covers the latest Apple devices information (Mac, iPad, iPhone…), news, tutorials, reviews, tips and club information. » More Information

Apple-Bug – Selected Articles

Selected Apple-Bug articles extracted from past issues that may be of interest to members – having these allows them to be searched for.

Apple-Bug – Public Editions

Editions of our Apple-Bug Magazine that have been modified and released to the public

Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials:

We also produce hundreds of tutorials on how to use Apple products and associated software and applications. These are mostly generated from questions that members ask during meetings, training, phone help, and emails. So they are topics about which members wish to know and need help with. At the end of 2020 we had over 300 tutorials and the number continues to grow.

Apple-Q’s Other Web Sites:


Apple-Q’s Media Site containing over 400 Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials, our Apple-Bug Magazines & Selected Articles.


Apple-Q’s own private Cloud Storage Site with Terabytes of storage. Also contains our archival storage of all of our Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials, Apple-Bug Magazines, & Selected Articles.

Freeware & Open Source Software:

We upload the latest freeware & open source software and Apple updates to the Apple-Q Server each month. It’s a great way to get those larger software updates – especially for members with a slower or shaped internet connection. The Apple-Q Server is available on Meeting & Training days for you to download via our Wi-Fi network. » More Information

For more information on club events, visit the Meetings, Training and Venue pages.
Everyone is very welcome to our club meeting days. Our training days are limited numbers so you need to book via our training page.

Other Services:

One-on-One Training

During Monthly Meetings, we may offer personalised training for individual members. There depends on the availability of helpers and you will need to book in advance.

Phone & Email Support

Members can get phone support between meetings. The phone number of the volunteers and their specialities are listed in each Apple-Bug Magazine.

We also have a dedicated email account for members enquiries listed in each Apple-Bug Magazine.

New features to come…

Time and technology bring change. The forums and hard-copy library have now been closed, as the way we learn about and interact with technology (and each other) changes. We are looking at starting a Blog & Members’ Forum area called Abyss named after the club’s old BBS forum.

With our new site Apple-Q is investigating new ways to provide value and support that meet our members’ future needs.