Members’ Help

This help section covers:

  • How to use the menus;
  • How to log into the Members area;
  • Accessing the Apple-Q Publications including:
    • Apple-Bug Magazine;
    • Apple-Bug Selected Articles;
    • Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials.
  • Direct access to Apple-Q-Cloud & Apple-Q-Core Sites
  • Resetting your forgotten password;
  • Changing your password.

How to use the menus:

Our Apple-Q site has Contextual Help built into the menus. The menu open automatically on mouse-over (for non-touch screen users) Clicking on any menu heading or sub-heading will bring up Help. clicking on any other item will take you to that page.

For Mac (and other non-touch screen users):

Our menus activate on mouse over. – no click required. The menu titles with the down-arrow to the right of their names have sub-elements. To access the items within these menus move your mouse pointer over the menu heading without clicking. Clicking on the menu titles (or Sub-menu Titles) will give you detailed help about each of these items. Eg: Clicking on the Members’ Abyss heading or the Abyss Blogs Sub-menu heading will give you help about these items while clicking anywhere else will choose that item.

For iPads, iPhones (and other touch-screen devices):

The menu titles with the down-arrow to the right of their names have sub-elements. To access the items within these menus you will need to tap once on the down allow. Tapping on the menu headings (or Sub-menu Titles) once will give you detailed help about each of these items.
Eg: Tapping once on the down arrow to the right of the Members’ Abyss menu heading will bring up the sub-menu items. Tapping on one of these sub-menu items will take you to that page on the site. Tapping directly on the Members’ Abyss menu heading will bring up help about this menu.

Accessing the Abyss Members Area – Logging in:

To access the Members’ Only items of this site go to Login at the top right of the menu (click or tap on it once):

Log in using Apple-Q Authentication:

Apple-Q uses an Authentication system, using the Apple-Q-Cloud Authentication Server. When you select Login from the menu you will be redirected to our Authentication Server and you will see this Connect to your account message. Select Log in:

Enter the email address you gave to the club next to Username or Email (or Username if you know it) followed by your password – then click/tap Log in.

If you do not know your password please click on the Forgot Password? link at the bottom. If you are having any problems please read this or contact the Apple-Q Registrar using the form at the bottom of this page.

Once you have clicked on the Login button you will be asked to Grant access – do so:

You should now to logged in. You should be taken to the Abyss Members’ Help Page:

Wish to Change Your Password?

There are also instructions on how to Change your Password under the Members’ Abyss menu.

Apple-Q Abyss Members Menus:

Once you you have logged in, you will now be able to download items within the Downloads menu plus additional items under Members’ Abyss menu.

These menus are (select the Heading for additional help):

Downloads Menu:

This menu allows you to download:

  • issues of our Apple-Bug Magazine;
  • selected Apple-bug Articles;
  • Public Editions of the Apple-Bug
  • Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials;
  • Search all our Publication downloads.

Full details are available by selecting the Downloads menu heading.

Members’Abyss Menu:

You will see the all of these items while logged in:

Members’ Help:

  • Has a detailed description of the Members section of this site, its menus, contents, and how it functions.

Apple-Q-Cloud: (< select this to go directly to it)

  • Selecting this will take you to the front page of the site – no login required!
  • Selecting either HowTo Tutorials, Apple-Bugs, or Selected Articles from its sub-menu will take you directly to that repository in the Apple-Q-Cloud.


  • Selecting this will take you to this site where we host our eBooks of all of our Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials, newer versions of the Apple-Bug Magazine & Selected Articles (a generic users log in is required).

Abyss Blogs:

  • This menu item contains Apple-Q’s message threads (Blogs). The current blogs are Apple-Q Information and Everything Apple.

Membership Account:

  • Modify your user settings including changing your password.

Password Reset:

  • Here you may reset your password if you are unable to login to the Abyss Members Area.

Full details are available by selecting the Members’ Abyss menu heading.

Abyss Logout: (select the menu item at the top right)

By selecting Logout from the menu you will be sent to the Log Out page (see image below). Here you will be given the chance to Login again and what the step that you will see. If you do login here to members functions will not work correctly (eg no download items will be available and some menu items will be missing).

Contact the Registrar: