Smart albums are a very handy feature of Apple Photos (and iPhoto). They quickly allow you to organise your photos into multiple albums with very little effort. They are also self updating, so when new photos are imported they can be easily slotted into existing albums. Here is how...
With the new Apple-Q Services (Apple-Q-Cloud & Apple-Q-Core) in addition to the Apple-Q web site there are now five web links to remember or keep bookmarks for. I find it easier to have all of these (and the many others that I use to manage the server) all in one place as a Bookmark Folder within Safari. This allows me to quickly access all of these with just a few taps. Here is how...
The Apple-Q-Cloud has a service that allows you to sync some or all of its contents with a folder on your Mac. For example this would allow to automatically keep up to date with the Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials. That way you do not need to hunt through the files to find and copy those that are new. Here is how...
The Apple-Q-Cloud has a service that allows you to sync some or all of its contents with a folder on your Mac. For example this would allow to automatically keep up to date with the Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials. That way you do not need to hunt through the files to find and copy those that are new. Here is how...
Another advantage of the Apple-Q-Cloud is that it has apps that you can add to it to increase functionality. One such app is Calendar. Not only can you log on to view the Apple-Q Calendar online but you can now have it synced with the Calendar app on your Mac or iOS device. Any changes to the online calendar will also be seen on your own calendar. Here is how... (Mac Version) [there is also an iOS version]
Please read the tutorial called Apple-Q HowTo- Apple-Q-Cloud- Access & Use detailing the basic use of the Apple-Q-Cloud for members. This tutorial assumes that you have write access to the Apple-Q-Cloud and details how to create folders, move items, and upload items to the Apple-Q-Cloud. Here is how...
This tutorial covers members’ access and use of the Apple-Q-Cloud. Only basic features are covered here such are navigation, viewing, and downloading folders and files from the Apple-Q-Cloud. For more details please read the Nextcloud manual (located in the Apple-Q-Cloud). Here is how...
With the new Apple-Q Services (Apple-Q-Cloud & Apple-Q-Core) in addition to the Apple-Q web site there are now five web links to remember or keep bookmarks for. I find it easier to have all of these (and the many others that I use to manage the server) all in one place as a menu on the Bookmark Toolbar within Safari. This allows me to quickly access all of these with just one click of the mouse. Here is how...
With the new Apple-Q Services (Apple-Q-Cloud & Apple-Q-Core) in addition to the Apple-Q web site there are now five web links to remember or keep bookmarks for. I find it easier to have all of these (and the many others that I use to manage the server) all in one place as a menu on the Bookmark Toolbar within Firefox. This allows me to quickly access all of these with just one click of the mouse. Here is how...
Another advantage of the Apple-Q-Cloud is that it has apps that you can add to it to increase functionality. One such app is Calendar. Not only can you log on to view the Apple-Q Calendar online but you can now have it synced with the Calendar app on your Mac or iOS device. Any changes to the online calendar will also be seen on your own calendar. Here is how... (iOS Version) [there is also a Mac version]
With the new Apple-Q Services (Apple-Q-Cloud & Apple-Q-Core) in addition to the Apple-Q web site there are now five web links to remember or keep bookmarks for. I find it easier to have all of these (and the many others that I use to manage the server) all in one place as a Bookmark Folder within Safari. This allows me to quickly access all of these with just a few taps. Here is how...
The Apple-Q-Cloud uses ownCloud to run our cloud services and is an iOS App of the same name can be used to access it, both during meetings and over the internet. The ownCloud iOS app may be downloaded from the AppStore for about $1. [Note: The ownCloud app still works with Apple-Q’s new Apple-Q-Cloud (Nextcloud) site. There is also a new Nextcloud app available for free. See my related tutorial]
The Apple-Q-Cloud uses Nextcloud to run our cloud services and an iOS App of the same name can be used to access it, both during meetings and over the internet. The Nextcloud iOS app may be downloaded from the AppStore for free.
People often wish to change the orientation of the pages within a document in order to fit a landscape object within a portrait document. Apple Pages does not allow you to do this instead they use rotated content. I often find this better if you are printing the document as you have strict control of which way the landscape pages are orientated when it is printed. However this does not help if you are creating an electronic only version of your document (eg an eBook). If you wish to do this you will either have to have all of your pages orientated in a single direction (portrait or landscape) or use another application that supports multiple orientations within a single document such as LibreOffice (see Apple-QHowTo- LibreOffice- Landscape & Portrait Pages in One Document). Another option is if you wish to save the Apple Pages as a PDF document then the Apple Preview application will allow you to rotate individual pages. This tutorials covers Rotating the content using Apple Pages. Here is how...
People often wish to change the orientation of the pages within a document in order to fit a landscape object within a portrait document. Apple Pages does not allow you to do this instead they use rotated content. I often find this better if you are printing the document as you have strict control of which way the landscape pages are orientated when it is printed.
However this does not help if you are creating an electronic only version of your document (eg an eBook). If you wish to do this you will either have to have all of your pages orientated in a single direction (portrait or landscape) or use another application that supports multiple orientations within a single document such as LibreOffice (see Apple-Q HowTo: LibreOffice: Landscape & Portrait Pages in One Document). Another option is if you wish to save the Apple Pages as a PDF document then the Apple Preview application will allow you to rotate individual pages.
This tutorials covers Rotating the content using Apple Pages. Here is how...
It is very convenient to have quick access to the Apple-Q File Server during meeting & training sessions via a Desktop shortcut. It gives you access to over 350 GB of information including, presentation & training files, tutorials (eg Apple-Q HowTo & videos), free Apps & Utilities, and much more. Here is how...
If you ever found that you Apple Photos Library was damaged or would not open and you did not keep a backup it can be a very bad feeling. I personally keep multiple backups in varying formats in different locations so that my special memories are protected. If however this is not so then there are still a couple of things that you could try: Library repair or photo recovery. Here is how...
Research, organise and share your family tree with Gramps.
Gramps is a free software project and community. We strive to produce a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and feature-complete for professional genealogists. It is a community project, created, developed and governed by genealogists. (
Richard Suthern has created a good series of video tutorials. I have copied the data from his videos and inserted it as text within this tutorial – simple copy and paste it for the associated tutorial.
So open Gramps, download the videos and copy the associated Data for the tutorial from the following pages (if any) then watch the video pausing it when you need to copy the info into the Gramps family
tree. Enjoy!
Gramps is a free genealogy application in which you can construct or import your family tree. It also allows you to attach files to records such as photos, certificates, pdf, text files, etc. You can also highlight a region of the photo, attach Source Citations, Attributes and Notes.
Here is how...
If you have used version 2 of calibre then version 3 will operate differently than what you are familiar with. So I decided to write a short tutorial on how to locate the Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials within the Apple-Q-Core using calibre 3 (this is also similar to version 5). Here is how...
One of the last objections that people still had about using Apple Photos instead of iPhoto was that it did not have an external editor function built in. Well, as of version 3.0, this feature is now included with Apple Photos... however there are a few of things that you need to be aware of in order for you see the results of your editing back within Apple Photos. In this tutorial I will be using GIMP v2.8.22 as my external editor. Here is how...
Calibre, the eBook library app for the Mac, is a great way to store all of your eBooks in one place and it is free. DeDRM Calibre Plugin is free and simple software for removing DRM from their Kindle ebooks, stripping DRM from their Adobe Digital Editions ebooks, getting rid of DRM from their Barnes and Noble ebooks, freeing their Kobo ebooks of DRM, or decrypting their Fictionwise eReader ebooks. Once this is set up, there are just a few easy steps to download your eBooks and have Calibre automatically remove the DRM and convert it to the format used with your favourite eBook Reader.Many ebooks available to download from on-line sites (but not all) are protected by Adobe DRM. This is a requirement of several publishers. DRM protected ebook files require special ebook reading software. Adobe have an eBook reader app called Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) while some other eBook Readers also support its use which allows them to read Adobe DRM protected books.Note:
•It is assumed that you have already completed thetutorial Apple-Q HowTo - 1 Install Calibre and DeDRM Plugins;
•These instructions also assume that you have already installed Calibre and DeDRM Plugins.
Usually you wish a picture or object to move with the writing as you type, that way it stays with its associated text regardless of how much you add and delete the information on the preceding pages. However there are times when you want a picture to stay on a certain page and have the content change around it. Here is how...
Usually you wish a picture or object to move with the writing as you type, that way it stays
with its associated text regardless of how much you add and delete the information on the
preceding pages. However there are times when you want a picture to stay on a certain page
and have the content change around it. Here is how...
An easy way to transfer items back and forth between your Mac and iPad (iOS device) is to use Apple’s AirDrop. It is easy to set up and use. You will need macOS Yosemite or higher and iOS 8 on your iPad (or iPhone, iPod Touch). All Mac released in 2012 or later support this (some older models also support AirDrop between Macs but not between Macs and iOs devices). Check Apples site to be certain.
Content Steps:
Setup 1-15
Mac to iPad 16-24
iPad to Mac 25-32.
Here is how...
Often there is limited storage on the internal drive of your Mac; specially if it is a laptop or older computer. There are many things that you can do to clear up some space on your internal drive. One of these to to try and relocate large files to an external drive. Video and large photo libraries are often the culprits when it comes to hogging disk space, so if you could move either or both that should clear plenty of space. Let us start with the Apple Photos or iPhoto library. Here is how...
Here is a cut down tutorial on how to access the Apple-Q-Server. Once completed all you have to do is open a short-cut on your Desktop and you will be able to access to and download approximately 450 GB of videos, tutorials, training & presentation notes, free & open source software, and much more including all of my 140+ Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials.
Here is how...
Most electronic devices that take photos (digital cameras, iPads, iPhones, Android Devices, etc) are recognised by Apple Photos when you attach them to your Mac via a USB cable. You can therefore import the photos taken by these devices into your photo library. Here is how...
In past tutorials I have covered how to install an older Mac operating system into VirtualBox. You can do the same thing with a MS Windows operating system to allow you to run MS programs on your Mac. However there is another way. I needed to extract some family history data from an old MS Windows XP program called PAF and did not feel like installing the old XP system into VirtualBox or worse yet onto a Windows PC. I had seen a free app called Wine that allowed you to run MS Windows apps of a Mac without requiring needing MS Windows. It sounded too good to be true but I decided to give it a go. Here’s how...
I will use PAF5 (Personal Ancestral File) as my example.
The Apple-Q-Cloud uses NextCloud to run our cloud services and an iOS App of the same name can be used to access it, both during meetings and over the internet. You can use this to access and sync all of the Apple-Q HowTo Tutorials, Apple-Bugs (including Selected Articles) and other Apple-Q items.
The NextCloud iOS app may be downloaded from the AppStore for free.
webtrees allows you to not only create, edit, and maintain your family tree but also publish it on the web. This lets other people to see and contribute to it, allowing your tree to grow and be available to future generations.
I have found occasions when I need combine two or more PDF documents together. With scanning for example individual pages of a document may are saved as separate PDF files which then need to be combined. I have also found this feature useful to replace a single file in a PDF document instead of recreating the whole document – one page can be scanned and added to the main document and
the faulty/incorrect page deleted.
All of this can be achieved via Apple Preview – who knew!
Here is how...
Apple's Photos app for Mac has a slightly different way of doing some things. When I first starting using it I could not find a way of adding a new face to a photo when Photos fails to recognise it.It took a little while to find out how...
Just purchased an external hard drive and wish to use it to backup your Mac? There are a few things that you will need to know to get thing going.
Here is how...
Use ICSviewer software to export your Apple Calendar to a csv file which you can then import into Apple Numbers.
Here is how...
2022 Update: The site that has ICSviewer software has closed down – I have included an alternative link.
You could use this app from Marc’s Place instead – Much easier to use but you need to set the range of dates that you wish to export.
Note: this tutorial will be using a free iPad app called Remote File Manager Free, downloaded from the AppStore. You will also need to be at the Apple-Q meeting to access the Apple-Q Server. There is also a non-free version called Remote File Manager that allows you to have more than one Mac connection configured, this make it easier to transfer the files copied from the Apple-Q Server back to your Mac. If you have not yet configured access to the Apple-Q Server, you will need to do so. Read the HowTo tutorial Setting up Access to the Apple-Q Server (iPad).
Note: This tutorial will be using a free iPad app called Remote File Manager Free, downloaded from the AppStore. There is also a non-free version called Remote File Manager that allows you to have more than one Mac connection configured, this make it easier to transfer the files copied from the Apple-Q Server back to your Mac. If you have already set up access to the Apple-Q Server, please view the HowTo Guide on Using the Apple-Q Server (iPad).
Setting up access to the Apple-Q File Server via the Wi-Fi network during meetings.