Apple-Bug 2016-4&5 PE

  • Version 2016-4&5 PE
  • Download 1350
  • File Size 21.6 MB
  • Create Date 11 May 2016
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Apple-Bug April 2016 Cover 24
1, 2, 3 ... Contact!! (Mac) 36
Apple-Q-Cloud Access (iOS, Mac) 33
Apple-Q-Cloud Sync (Mac) 34
Apple-Q Disk of the Month: get your fix of all things Apple! 37
Apple-Q Services: Meetings & Internet (iOS, Mac) Apple-Q Cloud & Library 23
HowTo- Music Throughout Your Home (iOS or Mac) 15
HowTo: Disable AutoPlay of Internet Videos (Mac, Firefox, Safari) 17
Main Presentation: Software for your old scanner (Mac) 26
Membership Application Form 39
Membership Fees & Why Join? 6
QuickBits: Apple-Q-Library (iOS, Mac) 32
QuickBytes: Email Scams 31
Tip: Automatically Send Email Copy to Yourself (Mac, iOS) 38
Wild Divine - the Journey continues 35

APPLE-Bug 2016-05 PE

About Us / Membership Benefits 5
Apple-Q Disk of the Month 36
Apple-Q Inc Profile 7
Contact Details 4
Main Presentation: iCloud & Dropbox 9
Membership Application Form 39
Membership Fees & Why Join? 6
Apple-Q Services: Meetings & Internet (iOS, Mac) Apple-Q Cloud & Library 23
HowTo- Music Throughout Your Home (iOS or Mac) 15
HowTo: Disable AutoPlay of Internet Videos (Mac, Firefox, Safari) 17
QuickBits: Water On Your MacBook 13
QuickBytes: Software Drivers for your old printer 9
Ask to Activate an Internet Plugin (Mac) 20
This Month’s Meeting Timetable 40
Apple-Q-Library Update: Selected Apple-Bug Articles 22
What’s On 2

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