- Version 2024-03
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- Create Date 13 March 2024
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If you do not know how to sign-up or use our Meeting Server there is also an article about that - including tutorials and videos for the Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
The other item that I mentioned in my email is that I had COVID-19.
As a result, this Apple-Bug has no additional content written by me (information, tutorials, help, etc) but still has the regular articles. Jude in particular has stepped up and has around eight pages of Jude’s Fundings.
I have obtained one item that I have been meaning to get after I purchased my Apple Watch - a Smart Blood Pressure Monitor.
There is also new content from Be Connected - mostly about photography.
Gary from MacMost has lots of new video tutorials and we have information about using the Apple-Q Meeting Server. I also had a few requests about Restarting Apple devices so I have included my article from October 2023 - I hope it helps!
What’s On | 2 |
Calendar 2024. Contents, Help Line | 3 |
President's Report | 4 |
How to Join our Apple-Q’s On-line BMeetings | 5 |
HowTo: Fix problems by Restarting B or Resetting your Apple Device | 6-13 |
New from Be Connected | 14-15 |
Jude’s Findings | 16-23 |
New MacMost Videos | 24-27 |
Committee and Assistants | 28 |
Contact Details | 28 |
Membership Fees | 28 |