HowTo Series: GIMP Installation (G’Mic+Fonts)

HowTo Series: GIMP Installation (G'Mic+Fonts)

GIMP is a great photo editing app (free Photoshop equivalent).

McGimp (by Patha) came with G’MIC and many other plugins preinstalled however his site had not been updated for around four years and it has now gone.

I went looking for an alternative and found a process that someone had developed to add G’MIC to GIMP. The added advantage of this is that it can be applied to the most recent version of GIMP - so Mac users no longer have to put up with using outdated versions of GIMP [The version used here is 2.10.38].

Tutorials in this series are:

  1. GIMP: Installation
    The installation of GIMP is now very easy. Older versions required users to run GIMP using X11 or XQuartz. GIMP now also supports Apple Silicon natively. This tutorial is only here for completeness and as a lead-in to the new method of installing the G’MIC Plug-in – read the tutorial Add G’MIC Plugin next if you wish to install this most popular plug-in for image manipulation. There is still the old installation tutorial for old versions of GIMP.
  2. GIMP: Adding the G’MIC Plugin
    G’MIC is a most installed plugin used with GIMP. I use it to restore old photos (see below). GIMP plugins can not be simply added and must undergo a complicated process to be installed. However I have developed this tutorial to make the process far simpler.
  3. GIMP: Adding Extra Fonts
    I was trying the reproduce a graphic with a special font in it when I found out that GIMP only had a limited number of fonts & the one that I wanted was not one of them. With a little research I found that I could easily add fonts that are installed on my Mac to the list of GIMP fonts.

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