Apple-Bug: Apple-Q Web Site- Features (2022-04)

As you may have realised by now, the main Apple-Q web site has been resurrected and looking somewhat similar to the old but with a lot more features.

When creating this new site I though about why I very rarely accessed the old site, except for once per month to download the Apple-Bug. As far as I am concerned the site should fulfil two main purposes:

• as an gateway for the public to find out about who we are and what we have to offer;

• as a resource for the members to access our services and make full use of what we have to offer.

The lot of the information on the old site was very out of date and some of it was contradictory. The public needs quick and easy access to information about what we offer. Some of this, like the contents of our magazine, tutorial summaries, and images of our publications were hidden in our members section - I needed to change this!

I copied the information from the old site before it crashed and pasted them into WordPress pages where they were updated. I then looked at what Apple-Q offers members and tried to include as much as I could into the site. It was way too big! The Apple-Q-Cloud came to the rescue - I used it as a file server for the main site - that way the files are stored in one place - easier to update and maintain. That required me to link the two sites. I had no idea on how to do that - but I did it (read Sign in with Apple-Q (SSO) in this issue.

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